Aww my poor neglected blog! It has been a very long time. I've been rather busy you see. I got sick, then went to Hawaii (I got better first fortunately), then started production on the first of two shows that I'm costuming back to back. So yeah, busy! Sadly I have no new recipes or anything really exciting to share, but I have a couple of pictures of my little side projects from during this time.
I've made two batches of French Macarons, just to try it. This is my second batch and I even got some little 'feet' as they're called. They are delicious by the way. |
I tried some different fillings, nutella, biscoff butter, and the traditional swiss buttercream. |
Sneek preview of my next costume. Really this is just the fabric I have so far, it will not be draped like this so that won't help you guess at all. |
Close up of the metallic. |
I went to Hobby Lobby for the first time ever, now that we have one in Washington. Score! I needed some claws for my upcoming costume and now I don't have to figure out how to make them. |
Anyways, that's the recap. I'll try to be back sooner next time. After all, my little man needs a dress shirt this summer for all the weddings we'll be attending, and he has decided that he wants a star wars one. I smell a sewing project coming on!